Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Andy Andrews’ The Noticer

Jones is a Noticer, this man that wanders into a person’s life, a mysterious old man that no one really knows much about, but a man whose mindset is desperately needed in many people’s lives. He offers perspective, something we often lose sight of in life situations. He asks questions, answers your questions, gets you thinking, gives you perspective, and then lets you get about what needs to be done.

This book intrigued me by the worn suitcase on the cover. When I got my e-book copy of it, I thought “Well, this is certainly interesting” as the first page caught my curiosity. And I found myself reading through it without noticing how many pages went by at the time.

This book is full of wisdom, insight, and the key word . . . perspective. And he doesn’t give these long explanations that get you lost and confused. Whether you identify with the situations of these people right off the bat, or know that you need to remember this for later, it’s full of wisdom every person needs. I highly recommend this book.

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