Monday, October 13, 2008

Field of Blood

I just bought a new book by an author I've never read before.
The author: Eric Wilson
The book: Field of Blood

This book is the beginning of a trilogy, and I am already anticipating the next book of the series. It doesn't come out until August 2009. I can tell it's going to be a long wait.

Field of Blood is an amazing story full of suspense and twists you never see coming. I love how it entwines Biblical history, making you wonder "Is it possible . . . " This book certainly got me interested in researching some of the mentioned findings--such as: What really happened to those raised in Matthew 27? And why were those boxes empty?

I know some Christians would ask how I could read a book about "vampires" and undead, but I honestly think this book is told in just the right context.

My only complaint is this: Why do I have to wait so long for book two?!?

Sunday, October 5, 2008

More Recent Reads

So I posted about Dekker's books that I've read recently. Now let me post about the other author I've been reading: Robert Liparulo.
I first read a Liparulo book in 2006. It was Comes a Horseman. The book blew me away.

A couple months ago, I got a hold of four more of his books. Each one was great.

Germ: This one is GOOD, but it's pretty discriptive. The first chapter alone had me cringing. I let a couple friends read that chapter, and they both went "Eww!" My boyfriend started reading it before I did, and he called me after that chapter just to ask if I was really going to read the book. If you can't handle gory descriptions, I don't recommend this book. If you can, however, this book is great.

Deadfall: I'm wanting to say this book is a more action-packed, hunter vs hunted version of Monster by Frank Peretti. It's a great book, and it's not AS graphic as Germ.

The Dreamhouse Kings series--
House of Dark Shadows: This one introduces you to the King family as they make the transition to their new, mysterious house.
Watcher in the Woods: You continue to learn about the family and their secrets, but you also learn about secrets of the house.
I'm looking forward to the next books in this young adult series.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Recent Reads

I have read quite a few books in the last couple months. Most have been Dekker books--nine of them in fact. The other four were by Robert Liparulo.

First of all, I finished what has been published of the Lost Books. Renegade and Chaos both throw twists that are completely unexpected and tie in other books. I am looking forward to the last two of this series.

After finishing those two, I got to read Sinner. This is Ted's latest book that you don't want to miss. Billy, Darcy, and Johnny are in a battle of power and persuasion.

Then I moved on to Ted's older books that I had yet to read. The Caleb Books and Martyr's Song Series.
Blessed Child introduces you to a child so innocent and yet full of wisdom and faith. A Man Called Blessed takes you on a journey of rediscovering faith and love. Both of these books make you take a fresh look at your own faith.
The Martyr's Song series is powerful and beautifully tragic. It shows that the tragidies of this world are nothing to the joy of the love and beauty of being with the Father. It also shows how heaven fights and weeps for us and how we must sometimes fight and weep for others. They say you can read it in any order, so here's what I suggest: The Martyr's Song, When Heaven Weeps, Heaven's Wager, Thunder of Heaven.

I'll get into Robert Liparulo's books next post.