Sunday, September 27, 2009

Prodigal Son

So I’ve never read anything by Koontz before, but have had him recommended. I never really knew where to start though. I got several opinions on that, but no one recommended the books I found at Wal*Mart: Dean Koontz’s Frankenstein. I read the back cover, and bought book one, Prodigal Son.

I finished Dekker’s Green, Liparulo’s Timescape, and then skipped Wendy Alec’s second book of The Chronicles of Brothers--I’ve waited so long for that book, I have to read the first again. But anyway, back to Frankenstein.

When I started the book, I only intended to read a few pages then go to bed. Yeah right. I read quite a few chapters, and didn't want to stop. Such a page turner!

Deucalion is my favorite character. Full of history and mystery. The whole story is intriguing, filled with great plot and characters. I love the good guys, and love to hate the bad guys.

And now I have the second book in hand. I am excited to get into it. Needless to say, Dean Koontz is now on my list of favorite authors.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Andy Andrews’ The Noticer

Jones is a Noticer, this man that wanders into a person’s life, a mysterious old man that no one really knows much about, but a man whose mindset is desperately needed in many people’s lives. He offers perspective, something we often lose sight of in life situations. He asks questions, answers your questions, gets you thinking, gives you perspective, and then lets you get about what needs to be done.

This book intrigued me by the worn suitcase on the cover. When I got my e-book copy of it, I thought “Well, this is certainly interesting” as the first page caught my curiosity. And I found myself reading through it without noticing how many pages went by at the time.

This book is full of wisdom, insight, and the key word . . . perspective. And he doesn’t give these long explanations that get you lost and confused. Whether you identify with the situations of these people right off the bat, or know that you need to remember this for later, it’s full of wisdom every person needs. I highly recommend this book.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Timescape: Mr. Liparulo, you've done it again!

Okay, Mr. Liparulo, I know we talked about these cliff-hanger endings before, but here I am--yet again--desperately wanting to know what's going to happen next! Timescape was great, but I want to read the next one . . . now!

You started this book out with a bang--well, you usually start every book that way. This one had me getting frustrated at character’s stubbornness, and I’m sure you can guess who it might be. It had me yelling “DON’T GO IN THERE” several times, and even had me slamming the book down a few times . . . at least a few times more than the first three books of this series.

The intensity and mystery is building with each book, and I’m crazy curious to know how it ends. These may be considered “juvenile” fiction, and though I’m in my twenties, I’ve come to like getting inside the Kings kids minds and watching this adventure unfold. But I don’t want to wait until Whirlwind comes out. I know I’ll just get to the end and desperately want the sixth book of the series.

Each book ending of this Dreamhouse Kings Series is like the season finale of my favorite shows . . . CSI: Miami, NCIS, Burn Notice. There’s always that cliffhanger to keep you waiting and guessing until the next season begins. I want the new season to begin the moment I finish this one!

But alas, as I have said with your books, Eric Wilson’s books, Ted Dekker’s books . . . I will wait. And I will be as eager and excited (if not more so) to read it when the time comes. Just know, I’m tapping my fingers and humming the Jeopardy theme in hopes that it will somehow make the next book get into my hands that much quicker.


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Green . . . Oh wow.

Sat, Sept 5, 2009 2:30 am
Normally I write my book lover comments blog after I’ve read the book. But at the moment, I feel the need to write my comments for Green as I read. I will not give anything away, but in keeping with my blog title, I will give my comments.

I am currently reading Ted Dekker’s Green. For those that may not know what I’m talking about, Green is book Zero of the Circle Series, the other books being Black, Red, and White. They say you can read Green first or last. At the moment, I recommend last. If my opinion on this changes while I read I’ll be sure to let you know. These books follow Thomas Hunter as he passes between two realities, and the battles in each.
Go here to check out Black, Red, White, and other books by Ted Dekker.
First let me tell you what I’ve gathered about Mr. Dekker’s writing style. Many, if not all in some round about way, of his books are connected—even if they’re not part of a series. Questions you have about one book may be answered in any of his twenty-something published books or in the books he is/will be publishing. I’ve said many times, a journey through Ted’s mind would be the most spectacular thing in finding out if even he can answer the questions I still have regarding his novels.

Now on to my comments about Green thus far:
From chapter 0--yes there is a chapter 0 and no, it’s not the prologue--there is a heaviness that gets deeper as the first few chapters progress. Maybe it’s just me. Honestly, I had to set down the book and mull on the thoughts running through my head after I finished the first three chapters. It was a mix of knowing this is going to lead to something big in the story and a bit of a challenge to me in my personal life. I hope that doesn’t go unnoticed by other readers.

Then came one of his infamous connections. It’s one that should be in the back of his readers’ minds as they’ve progressed through his books, but at the same time, it’s like “OH! You mean it’s really gonna happen?! Really?! Wow!” My exact words upon discovering this connection were “Holy snot!” I know snot is probably far from holy, but there are no words to describe this.

And already the emotion of this book is high. It’s brought tears to my eyes and heaviness to my heart, pushing more and more to the forefront of my mind a challenge to me in my personal life. I have no idea where this story is going, but I know I will have a lot of soul searching during and after I finish this book.

10:15 pm
Less than a day and only a few chapters later . . . I want to dance. Green has within its covers a story that splendidly builds up each emotion that is felt. I’ve been brought to tears, outraged, and most recently filled with joy that caused me to dance around my room. And I’m not even halfway through. Mr. Dekker, should you read this, the story in Green has captured my heart.

September 10, 2009 9:00 pm
I just finished Green. First of all, let me say, I can see this as the beginning of the Circle or the end. Or heck, read it at the beginning and the end. Yeah, that sounds like the best bet . . .
Now, let me tell you what I think of this book.

Green captured my heart early on, and kept it all throughout the story. It brought me to tears numerous times, filled me with joy, made me want to dance and shout, and even made me wonder. And most of all, it made me reflect on myself and my life. And that, my friends, is why I love great stories. The greatest of stories isn’t just a piece of fiction that takes your mind from your own world to the one within its pages. It is the story that makes you think and reflect on things in your life, that bring you to a point of decision and help you to discover truth. Those, my friends, are the greatest stories. And Green, as well as the other Circle Series books, is just such a story.

And if you would like to check out the Ebook of Black, the first WRITTEN book of the Circle Series, go here: Black Ebook and enter the Forest Guard number 5273