Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Reading Eric Wilson and My Writing

So there haven’t been any updates in a while. What have I been up to? A few things actually.

A book I read recently, and absolutely loved, is A Shred of Truth. It is the second Aramis Black book by Eric Wilson. And I sort of cheated.

I read the second one without reading the first one, The Best of Evil. I asked Eric Wilson if I could read ASoT without reading TBoE, and he said it would ruin some things in the first one, but I could.

And I definitely agree. While I can tell that some of it I will know, at the same time, I am completely looking forward to reading The Best of Evil. It’s on my list of books to purchase next.
In my writing life, I’ve actually written a few pieces. And one piece seemed to inspire a few people to write similar pieces. That piece is titled The Suffering of a Leper.

Then a couple of friends wrote pieces, and even started a site just for them. Check it out: Life to the Word. And I have a new piece on the site as well. Just click “The Scrolls” to see a list of works available for you to read.

Back to Reading:
I have picked up Field of Blood again. Read my original post on it here: Field of Blood

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