Thursday, January 22, 2009

More than a Kiss!

I have most recently finished a book coauthored by one of my favorite authors. The book is Kiss, by Ted Dekker and Erin Healy.

In this book, we follow Shauna on a journey to uncover her memory, and in the process, the truth of it all. It takes her on the adventure of a lifetime. In this adventure, we are introduced to numerous characters, all of which play some role in helping Shauna remember who she was . . . and what she was fighting for. But she also has to learn who really has her best interest at heart, and who wants her dead.

I read this book slower than usual, and I think it paid off because I got to think about each piece of the puzzle as I took the time to stop every few chapters. It got harder in the end to take a break between chapters, and I finished the last fifteen chapters rather quickly. There are things in this book that made me laugh, things that made me mad at certain characters, and things that made me go “Aww.”

This book drives in the point that you can’t just run from your past. You have to learn from it and keep yourself from making the same mistakes again.

I most definitely agree with what’s written on the back cover: “where Heart Pounding meets Heart Warming.”

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